Kolega je sinoc radio nesto i kada je zavrsio snimio je podatke na USB flash od 2 gb, proizvodjac nepoznat (dobijen kao reklamni proizvoid). Flash je bio formatiran na FAT 32. Kada ga je jutros u kancelariji prikacio na MAC ovaj ga uopste nije video, dok ga na PC-u vidi kao removable storage device ali ne dozvoljava pristup podacima. Da li postoji neki program kojim je moguce iscupati podatke s njega. Unapred hvala.
Mozda ima virus na sebi, flash diskovi su leglo zaraza. Odneses u stampariju da nesto isprintaju sa flas-a a za uzvrat dobijes 5 virusa na njemu, prikacis ga kuci i nema sanse da mu pristupis dok ga ne ocistis. Koristim NOD32 Antivirus 4 i to mi se desavalo x puta, donesem kuci flash iz stamparije a na njemu min 1 virus
Demon to some. Angel to others. _______________________________
Po meni najbolji progrma za vracanje celokupnih podataka sa bilo kojih medija cak i ostecenih... je
EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional is the professional level, most cost-effective and ease-to-use software available for data recovery. It is unmatched in its ability to recover almost total logic data loss situations - covering servers, desktops or laptops for many media, Windows Operating Systems and file types.
New Features!
- Enhanced support Windows Vista. - Recovers compressed and encrypted files on NTFS volume. - Creates a Disk Image file for data recovery. - Intelligent search all possible file systems on hard drive. - Ability to resume the last recovery result. - High quality of file recovery. - Succinct and user friendly interface. - Recover a specific file by right-click.
When to use?
- Hard Drives that have been formatted. - Corrupt or missing critical file system structures. - Accidental file deletion. - File loss without reason. - Unexpected system shutdown or application failure. - Computer viruses and worms infection or corruption. - Boot-up problems. - Partition structures are damaged or deleted. - Damage due to a power failure or surge. - Various kinds of file system corruption. - Recover files from devices with unknown file systems including Hard Disk, external ZIP/USB drive, removable SmartMedia, MemoryStick, SD cards, etc..
More Features
- Supports Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista - Creates a Disk Image file for data recovery. - Intelligent searches all possible file systems on hard drive. - Provides partition recovery from FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS file systems. - Supports IDE/ATA, SATA, SCSI, USB, Fire wire(IEEE1394) hard drive and other media such as Floppy disk, USB flash drive, digital camera, digital audio player etc. - Recovers deleted files and folders even after recycle bin has been emptied or use of Shift+Del key. - Recognizes and preserves long file names when restoring files and folders. - Recovers compressed and encrypted files on NTFS. - Previews the recovery files and pictures in BMP, EMF, JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIF and PNG format, etc - Large and Multi-Disk Drive Support. - Views the recovered pictures with thumbnails. - High quality of file recovery. - Ability to resume the last recovery result. - Changes the size of recovered files. - Succinct and user friendly interface. - Recovers a specific file by right-click.
Posto se bavim system administracijom vec skoro 5 godina za ovaj program mogu da tvrdim da je najbolji, a isprobao sam mnoge. Bez problema izvlaci podatke iz zestoko ostecenih diskova, RAW particija koje ne mogu da se povrate ovako itd. Naravno nije ni on svemoguc ako je jednostavno otisa kontroler na disku ili flash `pukao` pa ga windows u opste ne prepoznaje kao removable storage.
Za samo izbrisane file-ove, a da nije ostecen medij dobar je i mladji brat gore pomenutog programa
Easeus deleted File Recovery v2.0.1 Retail
EASEUS deleted File Recovery is a powerful and inexpensive file undeletion solution for Window Operation System. It is capable to recover the lost files even after a deletion with the SHIFT key held down or the recycle bin has been emptied. It can undelete files on any valid logical disks visible by the operation system. In the case of damaged disk volume or damaged partition, please use EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard.
deleted File Recovery Features Quick List: • Restores files after mistakenly-deletion. • Retrieves almost all types of files. • Recovers from local PC and various portable devices. • Supports FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32 and NTFS file system. • Previews recoverable files. • Fast and easy-to-use with a Graphical User Interface. • Safest read only software
Dobar programcic je i Dr. UFD koji je napravio PQI upravo za `popravku` flash-eva koji se `pogube` mada u sustini on radi nesto slicno Low format-u na Hard diskovima, ali posle toga flash postane vidljiv i moze da mu se pristupa, zato pre ovoga sa EASEUS-om backup-uj sve sa flash-a prvo, pa onda ako ne radi posle klasicnog formata-a probaj sa ovim Dr. Ufd-om mada ne radi sa svim modelima flash-a.
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