Treba mi preporuka za 40-43` LED (toliko imam mesta na polici), ne trebaju mi nikakve fancy opcije (SMART i slicno) niti ultra rezolucije. Ono sto obavezno mora da ima jeste:
- Toshiba, Panasonic, Sharp, Philips - VGA (zbog KVM ili da nabavim konverter ako nema), HDMI, USB - FullHD - cena ~40k
`Budućnost pripada onima koji su u vreme velikih promena spremni učiti, a oni koji misle da više nemaju šta da nauče, ostaće zatečeni u svetu koji više ne postoji` - Eric Hoffer
Druze ako mozes izbegni toshibu. Po kvalitetu od navedenih ti se rangiraju negde tosh-pan-philips-sharp, od najgoreg do najboljeg. Toshiba ti je u 90% slucajeva VOX, cak ce ti neki daljinci sa vox televizora raditi na toshibi. Takodje ako mozes da nadjes samsung sa vga, oni su ti jedni od boljih a imaju sasvim prihvatljive cene.
Toshiba kao i Vox se prave u Turskoj u Vestelu koji inace pravi TV za mnoge firme :
AKAI For some countries, Vestel sets are branded AKAI. Daewoo Some TV sets made by Vestel are marketed under the DAEWOO brand in some countries. Emerson Some Emerson sets were made by Vestel, for Europe, in some countries. Ferguson LCD TV sets branded Ferguson and marketed by a Polish company, are made by Vestel. Funai Some Funai CRT sets were made by Vestel. Gorenje. Gorenje TV sets are made by Vestel. Hitachi Vestel is rebranding some of its TV sets as HITACHI, in some countries. Horizon Low cost brand, usually led TV`s, marketed in Romania by NOD distribution, previous ASEsoft. HYUNDAI. Hyundai TV Sets, both TFT and CRT TV sets were manufactured by Vestel, for some countries ITT and Schaub&Lorenz. Some sets under these German brands are made by Vestel. JVC Some JVC TV sets, both TFT and CRT, were manufactured by Vestel. Also, today, Vestel sells in some countries, LCD TV sets branded JVC. LINSAR Independent British company that was established in 2006 were made by Vestel up until 2015. In 2016 Linsar was acquired by Tempo (Aust) Pty Ltd. MEDION German brand of consumer electronics. Many MEDION TV sets were and are manufactured by Vestel. Also, Tevion, Microstar, Lifetec brands are found on Vestel TV sets. No.1 . Brand belonging to Carrefour. Some TV sets and budget home appliances under this brand, were made by Vestel. Nordmende Some Vestel TV sets are marketed under Nordmende brand. Orion Some TV sets made by Vestel are branded Orion Electric, for some countries. Orion TV sets with Vestel chassis, were usually belonging to ORION Hungary, a Hungarian electronics manufacturer. Palladium A brand of TV Sets. Some Palladium sets were made by Vestel. Panasonic Some LED TV sets from Panasonic, such as the A300, CX350 and CX400, are made by Vestel, these are mainly entry level/budget, HD, FullHD and some low cost (cx400 series) Ultra HD 4K models. Philips Some LED TV from PHILIPS ( like 32PFL3008 ) are made by Vestel, mainly entry level models. Polaroid LCD TV sets from Polaroid, in Europe, are made by Vestel. RCA In Europe, some Vestel sets were sold under RCA name. Selecline. Brand belonging to Auchan, France, used for TV sets and other electrical consumer products sold by Auchan. Saba Some Vestel Sets are marketed under the name SABA. SANYO Some TV sets made by Vestel were sold under the brand SANYO in some countries. Qilive. Brand belonging to Auchan, France, used for TV sets and other electrical consumer products sold by Auchan. Technika. Brand owned by Tesco. Some older models used Vestel chassis. TELETECH. Low cost electronics brand, belonging to ALTEX Romania. TELETECH televisions are made by Vestel Tesla A brand from Czechoslovakia. In countries that once formed Czechoslovakia, LCD TV sets made by Vestel were marketed under the name TESLA, but also ORAVA in some cases. Toshiba Many sets named Toshiba are manufactured by Vestel, for European market. Universum (electronics) German brand belonging to Quelle. Some Universum sets were manufactured by Vestel, both TFT and CRT. Videoton A Hungarian electronics company. In Hungary, there were available Videoton LCD TV sets. There TV sets were made by Vestel, and usually sold in Hungary. Watson Brand belonging to METRO GROUP. Many Watson TV sets were made by Vestel. WESTWOOD. Low cost electronics brand belonging to DOMO Romania. WESTWOOD televisions are made by Vestel.
:: Druze ako mozes izbegni toshibu. Po kvalitetu od navedenih ti se rangiraju negde tosh-pan-philips-sharp, od najgoreg do najboljeg. Toshiba ti je u 90% slucajeva VOX, cak ce ti neki daljinci sa vox televizora raditi na toshibi :: Takodje ako mozes da nadjes samsung sa vga, oni su ti jedni od boljih a imaju sasvim prihvatljive cene. :: :: ::
Nije tacno! Hitachi je radio Vestel, Toshiba se pravi u Slovackoj sa japanskim panelima. Tako je bar bilo
`Budućnost pripada onima koji su u vreme velikih promena spremni učiti, a oni koji misle da više nemaju šta da nauče, ostaće zatečeni u svetu koji više ne postoji` - Eric Hoffer
Ja iz licnog iskustva mogu da ti preporucim Philips, imam 42ku vec sesta godina, radi ko zmaj, slika odlicna itd. Bez smartova i ostalih cudesa. Za kucnu upotrebu i vise nego odlican izbor. Nisam u toku sa aktuelnim modelima, pa pogledaj sta ti upada u te gabarite. I da, kupljen je u Madjarskoj, ne kod nas, sam sam isao da ga pazarim.
Ja trenutno ima Toshiba FullHD 32` vec 2+ godine, savrseno radi. Made in Slovakia, Japan LED ali bih uzeo istu 1920x1080 rezoluciju ali 42`
`Budućnost pripada onima koji su u vreme velikih promena spremni učiti, a oni koji misle da više nemaju šta da nauče, ostaće zatečeni u svetu koji više ne postoji` - Eric Hoffer
:: Ja iz licnog iskustva mogu da ti preporucim Philips, imam 42ku vec sesta godina, radi ko zmaj, slika odlicna itd. :: Bez smartova i ostalih cudesa. Za kucnu upotrebu i vise nego odlican izbor. Nisam u toku sa aktuelnim modelima, pa pogledaj sta ti upada u te gabarite. I da, kupljen je u Madjarskoj, ne kod nas, sam sam isao da ga pazarim :: :: Pozdrav i sta god uzmes da te lepo sluzi :: :: ::
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